January 9-15

♑ Capricorn: December 22–January 19: You will present as your usual cool, confident, slightly arrogant self. But, under your skin you will be bursting with the energy that tempts you to jump into cracks in the ice and drink from water-cooler spout. You are moving like a tree-dwelling fairy lumberjack, who knows that they possess the skills to tear their house down, and that knowledge is their secret to keep them energized. Don’t chop down your own tree.
♒ Aquarius: January 20–February 18: The strange combination of planet alignments takes your usual self into new realms. You might find yourself eating smarties willy-nilly instead of your usual categorization and sorting sequence. You might become like the beach fairies of Spain, and dress to camouflage into the landscape (be that natural, or a landscape of throng of humans). Take heart, this is a brief moment of retrograde, and you can enjoy what it’s like to blend in for a change.
♓ Pisces: February 19–March 20: In truth you might as well move closer to a lake, or at least a brook, or a sink if you’re an urban fairy. This month is a dramatic show of leaking eyes while your body cries out a lot of moods that you’ve collected through all the daydreaming, scrolling, and eavesdropping you’ve been doing last year. Pull the plug of your heart, and let all those borrowed stories flow down the closest drain. Ask the fairies to send hankies.
♈ Aries: March 21–April 19: Your pants feel too long, and your shirt feels too short. You will accidentally eat more than your fill of mini-marshmallows at parties, and you might find yourself impulsively taking them off your friend’s plates. Don’t judge your appetites, they are leading you to fill up before you hibernate your next big plan. In the meantime, use the thimble-full of self-control you have this month to stay away from nibbling off the plates of bosses, or rapscallion pixies.
♉ Taurus: April 20–May 20: Like the fairies of the river bank, you are busy knotting the ends of your weaving to build a bigger blanket to crawl under. This is the time for your blanket forts, your tiny matchboxes, your secret doors under floorboards, all the spots that you can hide from the massive mistake you made in 2022. Of course, the rest of the fairies know there isn’t such thing as a mistake, and that you just tore off into a wall in front of everyone. No matter, they’ll be at the door of your fort when you’re done moaning and are ready to tear in another direction.
♊ Gemini: May 21–June 21: You have the tin-can phone of the zodiac this month, and are picking up on all the calls on the fairy hotline. Carry a pad and pencil to jot down all the messages, and spend some time playing at cut-and-paste to put it all together. We are all counting on you to explain what to do next. This is your month to hear the universe while the rest of us only hear ourselves.
♋ Cancer: June 22–July 22: After that big hullabaloo last fall, you have been wisely hiding in your shell for a bit while things pass by. This month it will be safe for you to peek your little head out to smile without anyone mistaking your expression as teeth-gnashing. If you can speak like a mourning dove does, and use their commitment to routine in the face of adversity (including frostbitten toes), you will find yourself on the receiving end of home baking and rice Krispie treats.
♌ Leo: July 23–August 22: No one cares that you sat on a smelly marker and your pants smell like licorice. The mood of the planets is not giving you the floor to complain or show-off, or even crack a single joke. This doesn’t apply to the animals and plants around you, and they will soak up your presence like you are a greasy bone from the butcher. If you really want attention this month, you’ll have to suck it up and listen. Chewing a piece of cedar bark can help keep your jaw quiet and your eyes bright to appear interested.
♍ Virgo: August 23–September 22: If you want a movie to match the vibe of your month, turn down the thermostat and put on The Lighthouse for fun. It is the work ethic, the complex friendships, and the feeling of wearing dirty longjohns that has you a bit grouchy around loved ones. You are welcome to feel all of this, but relief is a bag of microwave popcorn away. Get an extra quilt, and a pack of bandaids to arm yourself this month.
♎ Libra: September 23–October 23: This month will start the year on a romantic note for you. Your love life will brew up a new surprise that comes like a six-foot snowfall. You can either dig your way out and keep your path clear to the house, or you can feel the cozy fog of being snowed in. Famous Libra fairy Clementine Huang would suggest you grab a chapstick and enjoy the season.
♏ Scorpio: October 24–November 21: This is the month you rip off your lanyard, or dash your nametag to the ground, and take the invitation to travel somewhere new. You might be one of the lucky ones and find a golden invitation to the upcoming wedding of the fairy queen of the South-West swamps, or you might be offered a ride to the drive-thru for fries. Either way, you are ready to jump ship. Pack lightly.
♐ Sagittarius: November 22–December 21: If you need to stick your head in a hollowed-out pumpkin to see what the fuss was about last year, do it. If you need to make sourdough, go ahead. For you to play well with others, you need to forgive yourself for being curious enough to copy the rest of the boring people around you. Don’t worry, you will not end up behind anyone. This month it will be about catching up on the things you decided to miss while you filled your backpack with rocks and marched around to get bigger lungs.